I Help Business Owners
3X Their Profits
In 12 Months Or Less…

"I guarantee to increase your
sales and profits or my services are FREE"

The Simple, 8-Step Blueprint That Will Grow Your Business In The Next 12 Months — Guaranteed

By Leveraging Lead Generation, High
Returns On Assets And Partnerships.

Profit Growth Is Guaranteed...

Here Is Why…

Attn: Small Business Owners.

We Provide A Service To Analyze Your Business And Find Profit Opportunities…..

Many businesses reach a roadblock and stop growing. They stop moving and sometimes growth becomes a real challenge.

Maybe you are looking to build a diverse network of distribution to increase cashflow for your business—without spending years doing it.

I’ll share with you my solution, but first, let me ask you a few questions…

Question # 1. Do you feel like your business offers an excellent service or product, has 90% of what you need to grow, but is still missing a few steps to scale and grow faster?

Question #2. Do you want the ability to quickly scale your marketing, grow your revenue, acquire profitable businesses & distribution channels with an easy-to-follow fail-proof system (even if your business has some challenges or has never acquired a business before)?

Here is my solution and what I can do for you. We will:

  • Provide A Plan To Add $350,000 To $1 Million In Profits (Not Revenue) To Your Business By Leveraging Automated Systems To Educate And Close Sales For You So You Can Focus On Business Growth.
  • Provide You With A Simple System I Used To Leverage Partnerships To Get Local Businesses And Customers To Bring Me $2 Million In Business In 12 Months—And How You Can Do It Too. It Has Never Been Easier To Use This One Tactic. I Promise You It’s Much Easier Than Marketing To Total Strangers—And More Profitable Too.
  • Multiply Your Profit Per Customer By Getting Customers To Buy More In Each Transaction…And Double Or Your Triple Revenues.
  • Use Our Copy/Paste Scripts, Systems And Templates To Get Massive Growth Through Outbound Prospecting So That Your Business Can Reach 100, 1,000 Even 5,000 New Prospects Every Day On Auto-Pilot.
  • Increase Repeat Business By Getting Customers To Buy More Often With Our “Repeat Buyer” Templates And Scripts. Loyal Customers Buy 9x More Than “New” First Time Customers.
  • Create A Team That Grows Your Business With Systems, Automation And Processes—So You Can Focus On What You Love.

Current customers will buy 9x more than “new” customers. We want to add new customers—but keep the ones we have for a lifetime. This system creates recurring revenue—which creates steady cashflow.  By increasing profits we increase the value of your business. You will also learn:

  • How To Massively Expand Your Distribution. Get Partners That Want To Promote Your Business, Provide Leads, Clients, Capital And Expertise—At No Net Cost To You.
  • How To Earn A Profit With Prospects That Never Buy—And 2x Your Profits.
  • How To Use A Referral Strategy For Your Business That Results In High R.O.I.—Adding 20% To 100% In Revenue (I Used This To Grow My Business From $0 To $2 Million In 12 Months Flat).
  • Strategies On How To Reverse Engineer Million-Dollar Marketing Campaigns That Are Already Working. We Provide You With Tools And Scripts To Turbo-Charge Your Marketing.
  • How To Get Competitors To Ethically Give You A Percentage Of Their Profits Each Month—Without Using Your Capital.
  • Simple But Powerful Strategies To Get Local Businesses To Ethically Give You Lists Of Customers—And Thank You For It. This Process Is Massively Profitable—But Almost Never Used. Our Plan To 2x – 4x Your Return On Marketing Costs With A Process Used By Billion-Dollar Brands.

Add $350,000 To $1 Million In Profits With Growth Through Mergers & Acquisitions (M & A)…

If you’ve ever dreamed of growing your business faster, with less work, more profits and by 100% or more in one transaction, then you owe it to yourself to learn more. Through Mergers and Acquisition, you can add $350,000 to $1 million profits (or much more) using O.P.M. Use our step-by-step Blueprint to instantly transform your business and grow by 100% to 500% FAST!  There is no faster way to grow your business.

In the presentation, we discuss how to:
  • Turbo-Charge Growth Through Mergers And Acquisitions (M & A). By Merging Your Business With Other Businesses, You Can Double, Triple Or Quadruple The Size Of Your Business In One Transaction—With 100% Financing.
  • Why This Is The Best Time To Start Buying Your Competitors, Suppliers And Vendors….And Keep All Their Profits For Yourself.
  • Learn Why Your Vendors And Competitors Want To Fund Your Growth Through Acquisitions…And How To Get Them To Help You.
  • Why We Should Target Businesses With The Clients You Want—And Why This Can 2x Your M & A Profits.
  • Get Access To Over 100 Lenders, 100 Finance Companies, Private Investors And Thousands Of Private Lenders.
  • A Process To Contact Profitable Businesses With Sellers Highly Motivated To Partner With You, Give You Leads Or Sell You Their Business…On Your Terms.
  • The # 1 Reason Business Deals Don’t Get Done—And How To Go To The “Front Of The Line” When Acquiring Businesses.
  • Need More Production, Leads, Trucks, Cross-Selling Opportunities, Customers, Recurring Revenue, S.E.O., Higher Margins, A Tech Team, A Management Team? You Can Have All That And More—Through M & A.

On average, it will take a business owner 3-10 years to reach the first million. It may take a business owner 10 years to add another $2 million in revenue. Our blueprint accomplishes this in 12 months or less and can save you years of work. We can reach your 10-year goals in 12 months.

Who Am I?

I’ve Helped Over 100 Entrepreneurs Acquire Capital And Grow Their

Hi, my name is Rene Mesa.  I’m an entrepreneur, investor, and business consultant.  I started investing in real estate in the 90’s and made my first investment at 23.  I was frustrated by not being able to raise capital to grow.

I learned how to raise capital and get business credit—raising my first $250,000 in 30 days.  I started a small side business teaching friends how to raise capital for their businesses. 

I’ve have made over 150,000 cold calls and thousands of in person presentations. I have solid, hands-onexperience in lead generation, raising capital, sales, and marketing. 

I raised $50,000 for my first consulting client and $1 million for the second. I’ve done over 400 business credit transactions including business loans, lines of credit and loans with the Small Business Administration (SBA).

I’ve helped over 100 entrepreneurs raise over $20 million to grow their business for down payments, make acquisitions and acquire real estate.

Watch the free presentation where I go through systems and processes that can add 7-figures to your business.  My goal is to help businesses add $350,000 – $1 million in profits—or my service is free.

I have worked with businesses in:

  • T. businesses
  • Software
  • Hydroponic farm
  • Personal finance
  • Men’s apparel
  • Software
  • Dance studio
  • Trucking
  • Car dealerships
  • Night clubs
  • Education
  • Real estate investment
  • and  more…..

Business Partnerships

I believe that partnerships and collaboration between businesses in the same sector—is the most overlooked path to growth. The fact is, you are surrounded by businesses that already have ALLthe customers you want—but don’t compete with you. I show you how to approach them and get them to send you their customers. This alone can flood your business with customers.

Systematic Outreach To Grow Lead Generation, Sales And Referrals

By adding on profitable divisions and partnerships, you can outsell, out-market and dominate your market. We go through how I went from $0 to $2 million in revenue my first year by partnering.

Over the years, I.ve developed a systematic outreach for how to not only get attention ,but start the RIGHT conversation, with the RIGHT people that need your product or service. After over 150,000 cold calls, I can just SHOW you what is already working.

In the presentation, we’ll explore some of the templates, scripts and systems used by the top 1% of the fastest growing companies, including, Tesla, Starbuck, Amazon, Facebook, American Airlines, Airbnb, Johnson & Johnson, Chase and Wells Fargo. We go over some of the most successful referral programs—and how you can use them to grow your business even faster.

I provide copy and paste systems to massively grow your outreach and get the phone ringing.

On The Call, You’ll Get:

  • Private 1on1 onboarding session with me to map out a plan and execute. A complete done for you service.
  • If you add 1,000 prospects to your pipeline each week, would this add $1 million, $3 million or $5 million to your revenue? We provide the systems, the templates and the simple technology needed to flood your pipeline.
  • Tools: Get all the tools you need to plug and play our blueprint, test, grow revenue and scale with automated systems.
  • Coaching: Weekly Q&A calls where we work on optimization, ask questions and execute the plan.
  • Accountability: Routine systems and calls to monitor growth and success to hold you accountable.
  • Support: Get 24/7 support via email/chat/calls.
  • BONUS: 8 Proven Strategies To Grow Your Business And A Business With O.P.M. (Other People’s Money)
  • BONUS: Copy And Paste, Ready To Go Outreach Scripts I Use To Generate Leads
  • BONUS:  A Proven Formula To Double The Results Of What You Are Already Doing Now—With Less Than A Few Hundred Dollars Per Month.

Total Value: $1,527

Today Free!

Business Turnarounds—What To Do If Your Business Is In Trouble.

The fastest way to fixing a troubled business is to pivot. We help you find—or create—recurring revenue opportunities in your business. We add large cash flow…so that your business will always survive any economic downturn.  The result is a business turnaround.

If your business has plateaued or you need a turnaround to add profits fast to your business, schedule a call with me.

Who Is This For?

If your business is making $2 million to $10 million+, with 5 employees or more, you’re probably struggling with:

  • Maintaining a high ROI when growing.
  • Filling your pipeline with more prospects.
  • Having others manage day-to-day operations

Watch the video and book a call so we can help you get to the next level.

100% Money Back Guarantee!

My results are guaranteed. If there is a fit, we will work 1 on 1. My guarantee is simple—if I don’t deliver results, the services is free.  

Here’s How It Works…​

Step 1

Step 1: Watch The Video.  Take notes because our blueprint is based on the presentation above.

Step 2

Step 2: Pick a time and book a call. Together we will find profit opportunities in your business and see if there is a fit. If you’re an expert with an existing business making at least $2 million per year and you are interested in adding $350,000-$1,000,000 in profits (at least $350,000), then schedule a call.

Step 3

Step 3: FUNDING. I help you get funding for unlimited growth More specifically your deals and your growth…sometimes without any money out of our pocket!

We can help you raise capital with business credit. I have raised over $20 million this way. With O.P.M. (other people’s money) you have UNLIMITED growth potential . If you need it—I’ve been doing this for over 17 years and can show you a roadmap to add between $250,000 to $1 million in working capital within the next few days.

Step 4

Step 4: The fun part…EXECUTE Our Plan. I work with clients on a one-time retainer. I get paid on results from the profits I generate for your company with our 8-step blueprint.  Since I plan on creating a lot of value for you—I get a success fee and a small piece of the profits.

I am only interested in working with a few businesses where I can deliver an incredible R.O.I. I’m interested in working with businesses where I can see clear opportunities and solutions to generate revenue. If you are not a good fit, I will tell you on the call.

We accomplish your goals through automating your customer acquisition process, creating recurring revenue, and grow your business through M & A.

Step 5

Step 5: Results Are Guaranteed. Since I work with clients on a one-time retainer and get paid on results—you are guaranteed results.

If we don’t double or triple the size of your business—the service is free! In this way—I basically generate profits for you and keep a small piece of what I generate for your business.

I know it’s bold—but I want to create situations where your R.O.I. on my retainer is 300%, 500%–even 1,000% R.O.I. The value of your business is a multiple of its profits—so this opportunity can add $2-$10 million plus to the value of your business.

Fill out the questionnaire and book a call.  Since my incentive is to work with clients to get massive results—I can only work with a few clients at a time.  Don’t delay and click for your appointment.


Book a Call To Get Your Custom Plan

Here is What Clients Have To Say About Us:

Joseph Celestine

“Helped us raise our first $100,000.  Has helped me in the real estate lead generation space. Our business increased 96% after our first capital raise. His expertise in acquiring business credit and lead generation has been critical to our growth. Recommended him to a business associate and raised $150,000 for the acquisition of a hydroponic farm.”

James Mack

“Was very happy to work with him. We raised $50,000 for my first venture and have been doing business together ever since. He raised $1 million for a business associate of mine.  We have worked together on several projects since.”

Simon Fintress

“I was able to raise over $100,000 for my real estate acquisition process. He was very reliable, trust worthy and gets things done. I would highly recommend him to anyone serious about growing their business.”